By Andrew M Spencer — Dec 08 - 10:05 PM
Steady at the base of a 1.2734-1.2750 range - occasional FX Matching flow
Fin Min Reeves to push for UK/EU reset at the finance ministers' meeting
Reducing UK's trade barriers with the EU will improve the growth of both
Demand for UK workers crashes after the tough budget, REC survey
Techs - neutral daily momentum studies, 21-day Bollinger bands contract
5, 10 & 21-DMAs conflict - neutral daily setup, weeklies still bearish
Last week's 1.2619 low, then the 1.2475 November trend low initial supports
Friday's 1.2810 top then 1.2841, 0.382% September/November fall resistance
A close above 1.2841 would end the September-November downtrend
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